Euro-American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems




Santa Martha, Colombia (South America)

February 7-10,2006


This conference is endorsed by the International Organization for Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (@WAS), and organized by Faculty of Systems Engineering, University UNAB-Colombia and Institute of Robotics, University of Valencia-Spain and supported by the Johannes Kepler University Linz-Austria , the Distributed Systems Group, Portsmouth University, UK and the University of  Magdalena, Colombia.


In Technical cooperation with IEEE, ACM and Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).


The main focus of the conference will be << Accessibility and Internationalisation of Web-based Information Systems>>





The aim of the conference is to actively promote academic collaboration between European and American universities. An important objective will be the dissemination of knowledge and experience related to the topics outlined in the main conference agenda. In particular, the conference will promote the relevant state-of-the-art technologies that can potentially provide key research directions to young researchers and new research groups. Another equally important aspect of the conference will be to focus on access to innovation as one of the essential first steps in the research process.


Conference Website:



Publication of Papers



All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended paper, which will be further peer-reviewed, for potential inclusion in a special issue of an international journal – to be announced.





Topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:



1          The Relationship between the Web and other computational areas


1.1            Software Engineering and Web Information Systems

1.2            Frameworks and software architectures for Web based-systems

1.3       Web-based Artificial Intelligence

1.4            Intelligent Agents and Web

1.5            Knowledge Acquisition and Representation on the Web

1.6            Information Retrieval and Filtering

1.7            Mathematical Foundations of web based systems

1.8       Data and Text Mining

1.9            Automatic Control web-based systems

1.10     Metrics Quality Assurance on the Web

1.11     Human Computer Interface and Modern User Interfaces

1.12            Usability


2. Web based Systems


2.1             (Semantic) Web Services

2.2             Automatic discovery of Web services

2.3             Methodologies and Choreography of Web services

2.4       Proof and Trust on the Semantic Web

2.5            Merging/Aligning/Combining Ontologies

2.6            Semantic web applications

2.7            Semantic interoperability

2.8       XML

2.9       Domain mark-up languages (XBRL, HR7, etc.)

2.10            Relational Databases/XML bridges

2.11     Native XML Databases

2.12             Vertical-Domain Applications (ITS, Healthcare, Law,etc.)


3. Distributed Systems


3.1             Middleware Systems for Grids and Cluster

3.2             Semantic Grid

3.3             Software tools for Cluster and Grids

3.4       Grid-based Problem Solving Environments

3.5             Computational and Information Grid Architectures and Systems

3.6             Scientific, Engineering, and Commercial Grid Applications

3.7             Programming Models, Tools, and Environments

3.8             Performance Evaluation and Modeling

3.9       Portal Computing / Science Portals

3.10             Distributed Artificial Intelligence

3.11     Multi-agent systems in information integration


4.  Mobile Computing and Applications


4.1       Internet access and applications

4.2       Mobile Multimedia

4.3       Multi-modal architectures and applications

4.4       M-Commerce, M-Learning, M-Entertainment

4.5            Location Based Services

4.6       Data mining concepts for location based services

4.7       Security and privacy in location based services

4.8.      GPS applications

4.9       MMS frameworks and architectures

4.10     In-car systems and GIS based systems

4.11     Video-conferencing and Tele-presence

4.12     Context aware applications

4.13            Adaptive filters for navigation and tracking


5. Protocols and Wireless and Networks


5.1             Protocols for Wireless and Mobile Internet

5.2             Performance evaluation of wireless networks

5.3             Wireless systems simulation

5.4       IPv6

5.5       Design methodologies for wireless systems

5.6       Quality of Service (QoS)

5.7       Security in sensor networks

5.8             Mobility management in next generation networks


6. Web Technologies and Society


6.1            Intellectual Rights

6.2       Web accessibility

6.3       Web Information systems for Disabled

6.4       Web internationalisation

6.5       Web information systems for citizens

6.6       E-Government, E-learning, E-Business

6.7            Electronic Bank

6.8            Biometrics techniques and privacity

6.9       Internet strategies based on the Internet

6.10            Videoconferencing and Tele-presence

6.11             Preservation of Digital Culture





Honorary Chairs

Dr. Francisco Tomás Vert. Rector of University of Valencia. Spain
Dr. Gabriel Burgos Mantilla. Rector of University UNAB, Colombia.
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Caicedo. Rector University of Magdalena, Colombia.

General Conference Chair

Dr. Eduardo Carrillo. University UNAB, Colombia

Conference- cochairs

Dr. Gregorio Martin. U. of Valencia, Spain
Rogério P.C. do Nascimento. U. of Algarve, Portugal

Program committee

Dr. Alvaro E. Arenas. CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. UK
Dr. Angélica Reyes. U. PoliTécnica de Cataluña, Spain
Dr. Ângelo R. Alencar Brayner. U. de Fortaleza, Brazil
Dr. Anirban Mondal. U. of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Aoying Zhou.
Fudan U., Shanghai, China
Dr. Barbara Catania. U. Genova, Italy
Dr. Carlos A. G. Ferraz. U. Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Dr. Carlos Delgado. U. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Dr. Cesar Cebreros. U. Nacional de Ingeniería. Peru
Dr. Christian Trefftz.
Grand Valley U., USA
Dr. David Domínguez. U. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Dr. Eloi Luis Favero. U. Federal do Pará, Brazil
Dr. Esther Pacitti.
U. of Nantes, France
Dr. Eurico M. Carrapatoso. U. Porto, Portugal
Dr. Eva Mª Méndez. U. Carlos III, Madrid
Dr. Fabio Porto. EPFL-Ecole, Switzerland
Dr. Felipe Rolando Menchaca. CENAC-IPN, Mexico
Dr. Milton Mendes. Federal Service of Data Processing (SERPRO), Brazil
Dr. Gabriele Kotsis. U. Johannes Kepler,Austria
Dr. Garry Smith. U. of Edinburgh, UK
Dr. Germán Trigoso.
U. Nacional de Ingeniería. Peru
Dr. Gillian Dobbie. U. Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Günther Pernul. U. Regensburg, Germany
Dr. Helmuth Trefftz. U. EAFIT, Colombia
Dr. Hong Ong. U. Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Ismail Khalil Ibrahim. U. Johannes Kepler,Austria
Dr. Iyad A. Ajwa. U. Ashland, USA
Dr. Jesus Albert. U. Valencia, Spain
Dr. Jesus Suarez. U. of Valencia. Spain
Dr. Joaquim Arnaldo Martins.
U. Aveiro, Portugal
Dr. Joaquim Sousa Pinto. U. Aveiro, Portugal
Dr. Jose Aguilar Jose. U. de los Andes, Venezuela

Dr. Jose J. Samper. U. of Valencia, Spain.
Dr. Juan Carlos Vidal. U. Cauca, Colombia
Dr. Juan José Martinez. U. Valencia, Spain
Dr. Kyandoghere Kyamakya. U. Hannover, Germany
Dr. Laurence T. Yang.
St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Dr. Leila M. de Almeida e Silva. U. Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
Dr. Leonardo N. Matos. U. Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
Dr. Loïc Martínez Normand. Technical U. Madrid, Spain
Dr. Luis Amable Garcia. U. Jaume I, Spain
Dr. Luis M. B. Gouveia.
U. fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal
Dr. M.V.Ramakrishna. Monash U., Australia
Dr. Maria Helena Braz. Technical U. of Lisbon, Portugal
Dr. Mark Baker. U. Portsmouth, UK
Dr. Mark Butler. Hewlett Packard, UK
Dr. Martin LLamas. U. de Vigo, Spain
Dr. Masatoshi Arikawa. U. Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Michael Gould. U. Jaume I. Castellon, Spain
Dr. Miroslav Svitek. U. of Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Nadjib Badache.
LSI, USTHB U., Algeria
Dr. Narciso Cerpa Torres. U. de Talca, Chile
Dr. Natividad Orellana. U . of Valencia, Spain
Dr. Nelson Souto Rosa. UFPE, Brazil
Dr. Omar Boucelma. U. Aix-Marseille, France
Dr. Philippe Bonnet.
DIKU Universitetsparken, Denmark
Dr. Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello. ICMC-USP. Brasil

Dr. Rohit M Lotlikar. IBM India Research Lab, India

Dr. Rodrigo Fernandes de Mello. ICMC-USP. Brasil
Dr. Santiago Felici. U. Valencia, Spain
Dr. Sean Siqueira. Pontifical Catholic U. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui. U. of Fribourg, Switzerland
Dr. Stephane Bressan. National U. of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Stephen L. Scott. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Dr. Tayeb Lemlouma. INRIA Alpes, France
Dr. Thomas Risse. Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany
Dr. Valeria Soares.
U. Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Oleshchuk. Agder U. College, Norway
Dr. Victor Malyshkin. Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Dr. Virginia Dignum. U. Utrecht, The Netherlands
Wenny Rahayu. La Trobe U., Australia
Dr. Wieland Schwinger. U. Johannes Kepler, Austria
Dr. Wojciech Cellary. Poznan U. of Economics, Poland
Dr. Xavier Alcalá. U. Coruña, Spain
Dr. Yoan Pinzon. King's College London, UK
Dr. Zainal A. Hasibuan. U. of Indonesia, Indonesia
Dr. Zaitun Abu Bakar. U. of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr. Zheng da Wu. Bond U., Australia


Organizing Committee

Arturo Cervera. U. of Valencia, Spain
Diego A. Acosta. Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Bernardo Cuenca.
U. of Valencia, Spain
Florina Almenares. U. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Ivan A. Guarin. Colombia
Jose J. Samper. U. of Valencia, Spain
Vicente Ramon Tomas. U. Jaume I, Spain

WebMaster and Registration Chair

Arturo Cervera . U. Valencia, Spain


Information Support and Web Management

Daniel Julián Gómez Silva. University UNAB, Colombia.


Graphic Designers

Bibiana Martinez. U.Valencia, Spain
Arturo Saez. U.Valencia, Spain

Proceedings Chairs

Jose J. Samper. U. Valencia, Spain
Vicente Ramon Tomas. U. Jaume I, Spain

Information support

Leo van den Berg. U. Valencia, Spain
Marcela Caceres. Colombia

Publicity Co-Chair

Jose Julian Rojas 
Karin Buttner
Patricia Urueña

Industrial Track Chair

Hugo Vecino. UNAB, Colombia

Finance Reviewers

Santiago Felici. U. Valencia, Spain
Wilson Briceno. UNAB, Colombia


Flights and Hotel Reservations
Gareth Barrera Sanabria. UNAB, Colombia



Submission Guidelines


The EATIS2006 conference invites research papers as well as proposals for panels, tutorials, and invited sessions.

The official language for the conference will be English. Simultaneous translation for the conference will be provided (depending on funding).


Please send two copies of your papers:

  • One copy including authors' name and affiliation
  • Another copy without this information


Full papers must be sent to the following email address:

Panels, Special sessions and Tutorial proposals must be sent to:


To submit the abstract please use the same email address.


Full papers must not exceed 4 pages whilst panels and special sessions proposals should be restricted to 3 pages. Papers must be formatted according to the author guidelines set down by IEEE computer society.

Tutorials, demos, and posters must conform to the format instructions outlined on the conference web site.

Submissions should be in PDF or MS Word formats.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Critical parameters will include originality, significance, relevance, technical soundness, and language clarity.



Important Dates


- October 17,  2005. Full Papers submission

- December 15, 2005.  Panels, special sessions, tutorial proposals, short papers (posters) submission

- December 7, 2005. Full-paper acceptance notification

- December 30, 2005. Panels, special sessions tutorial, short papers (posters) acceptance notification

- January 9,  2006 Camera-Ready Papers


Conference Location


EATIS2005 will take place in Santa Martha, Colombia. You will find travel, accommodation, recreation facilities, and visa and tourist information will be available   on the conference web site.


Santa Marta General Information


Colombia General Information


About Hosting Universities



The University of Valencia is a Spanish public university created in 1496.


The Institute of Robotics leads the Intelligent Transport Systems in Spain, and represents Spain in Europen ITS scientific projects.


The University of UNAB (Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga) is a private Colombian  University created in 1952, which is organized according to Colombian laws as a civil corporation and a non-profit educational establishment. The Systems Engineering Faculty is one of the five accredited Colombian faculties of Systems Engineering according with to the Accreditation program of Quality Control for Universities in Colombia.


Contact Information:


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.  For further inquiries please contact: