Official conference language will be English, Portuguese and Spanish. Short and full papers, will be presented in English.
Tutorial and Seminars will be presented in all official languages.
Papers wrote in Portuguese and Spanish must have abstract, title and keywords in English. And also maintain the original title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese or Spanish. If necessary, please update keywords, abstract, and title using the Edit submission This also should be done until Camera-Ready paper deadline: "March 15th", 2010.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Critical parameters will include originality, significance, relevance, technical soundness, and language clarity. Each full paper submission will be reviewed by at least three Program Committee members, guided by a senior (or advocate) member.
All short papers accepted will be presented as poster in a Poster Session. Poster dimensions are 96 cm (height) x 70.5 cm (width).
Submit a paper, tutorial or seminar proposal.
> Instructions - OpenConf