6th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems EATIS 2012 Valencia, Spain on 23 - 25 May, 2012
IEEE Xplore Digital Library - Proceedings of the 6th EATIS
EATIS 2012 Official Photos, Enjoy it! We are glad to announce the EATIS 2012 FINAL AGENDA. We look forward to seeing you in the
EATIS 2014 at Valparaíso (Chile)!
Special thanks to the Vicerectorat d´Investigació i Política Científica de
la Uiversitat de València.
Publication in ACM-DL, IEEE Xplore and International journals:
All accepted papers were published in the ACM Digital Library. .
EATIS 2012 “6th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems” is Technically Co-Sponsored (TCS) by , and the conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
EATIS 2012 has been successfully entered in the IEEE conference database. Authors of the best 20/30 % papers will be invited
to submit extended papers, which will be further
peer-reviewed for potential inclusion in special issues of the
international journals.
Woman Paper Award
The organization of EATIS’12 along with the WIE Spain Chapter will present the Women Paper Award. The selection of the best papers will be based on both the scientific merit of the paper and the quality of the oral presentation as evaluated by a broad committee of renowned international experts. The Women Paper Award is granted to the best contribution being presented during EATIS’12 among all contributions whose first author is a woman.
For tourist information click here.
For Logistic Contact click here.
EATIS 2012 is being organized by the University of Valencia through the Robotics Institute and Information Technology & Communications and promoted by EATIS.org - Euro American Association on Telematics and Information Systems with technical cooperation from 3 academic institutions: Autonomous University of Bucaramanga (Colombia), Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil) and Technological University of Panama (Panama).
Location of the conference: ETSE (UVEG)
We look forward to meeting you at the EATIS 2012, "Mediterranean, sea of ideas for researching and collaboration".
EATIS 2012 Conference Organizer:
Robotics Institute and Information Technology & Communications (IRTIC) Parque Científico, Universitat de València C/ Catedrático José Beltrán 2, 46980, Paterna (Valencia)
