Type of registration Until 15/Mar/2022 Until 15/May/2022 After 15/May/2022
Author 200€ 230€
Author (Remote) 125€ 150€
Student 90€ 100€ 105€
Student (Remote) Free
Public 180€ 210€ 230€
* a student is a person belonging to a higher education institution who comes to attend the conference but is not the author of any article;
* an author is a person who has an article registered for the conference - regardless of whether he is a student or not;
* public is anyone who intends to attend the conference but is not the author of any article or student of any higher education institution (typically people from companies).

Payments must be made by bank transfer to the following account:

Please send the payment receipt to the e-mail Sónia Brandão with the subject EATIS2022.