EATIS 2024 - 12th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems.
Dear colleagues, it is our pleasure to invite you to submit papers to 12th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems - EATIS 2024 – which will be held in Cabo Verde on 3rd-5th July 2024. is focused on the communities, contents and technologies belonging to smart cities. In particular, EATIS 2022 encourages the use of Information System (IS), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Telematics Systems, making it easier for citizens to access government and public services at various levels, without any adverse impact on ethic aspects.
University of Cabo Verde
3rd-5th July
We kindly ask for submissions of high-quality full papers reporting original and novel research results on all above topics. All submitted papers will be blinded and peer-reviewed. Papers may be initially submitted in pdf (without author names). Papers must be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. Critical parameters will include originality, significance, relevance, technical soundness, and language clarity for:
short papers (with max 4 pages) and
full papers (with max 8 pages).
Short papers will be presented in the Panel/Poster Sessions in English. Full papers will be presented in Oral Sessions. Short and full papers will be presented only in English. Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese must have abstract, title and keywords in English. It is highly recommended to include as a keyword, any of the 11 areas of interest to ease the reviewing process.
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